UK: Caitlyn is born

The gorgeous Caitlyn Daphne Anne born at 23h10 on 6 February 1999 and weighing 6lb03 ... Daphne was my Mother's name and Anne is Paul's mother's 2nd name.

🙂 Quick and relaxed at home…

🙁 Intense after birth pains for hours!

Paul and I were watching Blind Date when my waters broke. It took the midwives ages to arrive and then they spent all their time chatting to Paul … and told me they would know when it was time as my breathing would change… it was far calmer than Charlotte and Trent’s birth, with time to breather during contractions… and Cailtyn greeted the world from our study at Church Croft at 23h10. Her umbilical cord was quite short and we let it pulsate for 10mins before Paul cut it. Trent and the animals came to greet her and then it was time for bed 🙂

First poo…

She had plenty of visitors …

…her first bath!

The house Caitlyn was born in and grew up in – Church Croft

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