UK: BACKUP – Snowdon Yr Wyddfa

Snowdon or Yr Wyddfa is the highest mountain in Wales, at an elevation of 1,085 metres above sea level, and the highest point in the British Isles outside the Scottish Highlands. It is located in Snowdonia National Park in Gwynedd. Backup is a fantastic organisation supporting those with life changing spinal cord injuries. A rewarding PUSH!

🙂 Great cause – raised nearly £100k in total!! Paul, the girls and I raised £1,500 🙂

🙁 Tough walk following super fit peeps who ran up the mountain!

Our friend Jo had a life changing spinal cord injury and we have often supported various BACKUP Events as she is now Chair of this amazing charity. This was special… Jo and family host Svetlana who is a 6x paralympian who had to leave her Ukrainian home when the war started. Jo’s family and friends were pushing her up Snowdon and we were pushing Svetlana. We were twelve teams of 10-14 people pushing 12 people up in total. It was amazing seeing those in wheelchairs enjoying the day and slightly daunting prospect of trusting the teams to get them over some challenging ground! Other hikers were amazed and many gave generously. Thank you to all involved. Back Up really changes lives.

We had a great atmosphere as we all camped the night before and the night after for the Awards and Party. It is a stunning campsite. The first evening was rather wet but the next day was lovely!

We set off at 08h00

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