SA: Timbavati Game Reserve – Simbavati River Lodge 2011

In the heart of the Timbavati Game Reserve, the Simbavati River Lodge offers the chance of a face-to- face encounter with Africa’s incredibly varied wildlife from the lodge’s private viewing decks. Simbavati River Lodge combines the rustic appeal of an African game with stylish modern interiors. Choose from 2-bedroom family suites or luxurious Safari Tents, all feature air conditioning private outdoor decks overlooking the Nhlaralumi River. The spacious family have a large bathroom twin wash-basins, a shower and deep, free-standing bath. Each morning and evening, Simbavati Lodge offers game drives conducted by experienced rangers and trackers, providing the opportunity to photograph some of the reserve’s incredible array of wildlife that includes the 'big 5' - lions, leopards, rhino, buffalo and elephant. Afterwards you can sit around the campfire and enjoy traditional African cuisine often prepared on the 'braai'. Famous for the 'White Lions' - which we were lucky enough to spend time with!

🙂 White lions! Amazing location and stunning game drives!

After our annual trip to Ngwenya a sub group of us travelled to Simbavati River Lodge which is situated on the banks of the Nhlaralumi River in the Timbavati Game Reserve and had been a recommendation from friends – it did not disappoint!! I will let the photos do the talking!

The kids shared a comfortable bedroom and the adults each had a luxury tent with views into the bush.

The highlight was the pride of white lions.

We also had a leopard sighting before sharing sundowners with Wilbur the dancing hippo!

We got some lovely photos for sundowners.

The next day we had a bit of rain but that did not impact our enjoyment of the game drive!

Sundowners less eventful with no rain or dancing hippos but we did have an impala spitting competition!

Dinner every evening was lovely around the boma. We had a hippos pass through camp!

Vicky wrote a lovely poem about our trip:

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