SA: Care For Wild

The Care For Wild Rhino Sanctuary is the largest rhino sanctuary in the world, spanning 28 000 ha in the greater Barberton Nature Reserve in Mpumalanga, South Africa. The exact location of the sanctuary is not disclosed due to security reasons.

🙂 Adorable orphaned rhinos. Incredible work done by Petronel and her team.

🙁 Tragic that rhinos are poached for nothing but their keratin horns which yield so much profit on the black market

CARE FOR WILD is an amazing organisation founded by Petronel who is passionate about conservation. The girls have both volunteered there and we have been to visit the premises. For my 50th I asked for donations and we managed to provide a significant contribution towards the worthy work that they undertake on a daily basis. The rhino species is estimated to be less than 10 years away from extinction. The extinction of a keystone species and another monumental loss for biodiversity and humanity as a whole.

Rhinos are being brutally murdered daily in National Parks, Provincial Parks and on private property to meet the demand for bogus medicines made from rhino horn. The illegal rhino horn trade catapulted the status of the White Rhino to ‘Near Threatened’ and the Black Rhino to ‘Critically Endangered’. It is a cruel and brutal death with the animals often suffering for days and the vulnerable calves are predated upon by hyenas. Care for Wild takes in injured and orphaned animals and releases them once they are rehabilitated into the wider property. It is an amazing place doing wonderful things. Please support them. Donate Now.

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